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Friday, July 30, 2010

Evaluasi Pengembalian Kredit P4K oleh Kelompok Petani Kecil di Kecamatan Banguntapan Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta


Department of Agriculture with BRI had been distributing P4K program credit to KPK. The credit program had been going on few years. One of successful indicator of credit was customer ability to refund the credit.
The research was aim to know how many outstanding credit and percentage of P4K complication credit had been distributing to KPK in Banguntapan district, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta and aim to know factors influence fluency and unfluency refund of credit P4K.
This research used census method with take all of active KPK in Banguntapan district. Respondents on this research were board of KPK from 28 KPK that registered in BRI Bantul.
The result explained that outstanding of credit had distributed until February 2006 was Rp. 394.500.000,00. The refund of P4K credit in Banguntapan district had been complicated because non performing loan is 9,83 percent add more fault rate that is 5 percent. Good coordination of KPK members and fluency of members business cause fluency refund KPK loan. The corruption of loan by aboard, the member business was not flowing freely, loan using out of the first purpose, nothing back up of fund, and the bad coordination of broke down KPK cause non performing loan KPK. Nevertheless, P4K credit keep continue if PPL is able to fix the factors that caused non performing loan. 

Key words: outstanding, fluency, non performing loan, refund, fault rate.
